When I got to church this evening, something just felt different. The Pastor left his drum set to welcome me immediately. After a few minutes of singing, he sent his son to the corner store to get something, and upon his return, he handed me water!
After a few more songs, the Pastor asked if anyone had any verses they'd like to share. He knows I don't speak Spanish fluently, but asked me to share something. At first I was hesitant, and wanted to say "no entiendo" ("I don't understand"), but I quickly flipped through my Bible and shared Matthew 6:33: But seek first the Kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.
There were a few hallelujahs and a lot of Amens. With my heart racing, I sat back in my seat and thanked God for not letting me freeze.
Afterwards, a woman got up and shared her testimony. I couldn't understand much, but I think when she saw me intently looking at her, she realized I couldn't understand her rapid speed of speech. She slowed down and pronounced her words more clearly. From what I could understand, she was selling her body for money, doing cocaine and smoking marijuana. She almost died one night on the street, but somehow she didn't. Afterwards, she gave her life to God, knowing it was He who saved her physically.
My heart was pounding as I started praying that the young girl from the school that I brought with was listening to this sweet story of redemption. I felt God was reminding me of why I was there. Reminding me of my mission with the girls I work with everyday. Of why I came to the Dominican Republic in the first place.
After the sermon was finished, the woman got back up and asked to pray over all of the children. My heart was racing again as I knew God was saying, "Katie, the girls. Remember the mission." She prayed over the entire group, and immediately after she turned to the girl I brought with and prayed over her individually.
This evening I'm praying for childlike faith. I am praying that I won't allow Satan to attack as he did last week. I am praying that I will believe in the mission laid out in Matthew 28:18-20 daily. I am praying the I will seek first the Kingdom (Matthew 6:33), and allow God to take care of my daily needs and struggles. Yes, tonight I am praying for the girls in the barrio that God loves so much.
And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me..."
Matthew 18:3-5
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